September Edition

Filed under: friyay

What I’m Watching

I grew up in rural Southwest Missouri and while I’m normally not a fan of country music, I make exceptions for some artists like Jason Isbel. Jason Isbel: Tiny Desk Concert is a fun deep dive into his personality and a preview of a few songs off of his new album.

What I’m Kickstarting

Luna Display turns any iPad into a wireless, second display and it looks incredible. The app has full Apple Pencil support which allows you to sit on your couch and interact with your Mac using it.

I have used and love Duet Display for many years and it’s a godsend when I travel and I need to get work done. My only complaint is that the device has to be physically connected to my MacBook Pro. However, the app has never failed me and the speed is incredible.

New Podcast I’m Listening To

I stumbled on Seth Godin’s Marketing Secrets to Launching a New Business episode this week and the first 30 minutes get my creative brain gears churning, especially with how advertisers are handled.

I find Seth Godin’s approach to marketing fascinating, and listening to him walk us through his process when working on a new product has a lot of value.

My Keto Friendly Week Day Lunch

Green Chicken Enchilada Cauliflower Casserole – Low Carb lose the sour cream, the cilantro, and add in home made enchilada sauce and this is what I have looked forward to eating every week day for the last three weeks.

Utility I’m Using

If you are a macOS user and you are as obsessed at automating as many parts of your setup as I am, then mas is worth checking out. Mas allows you to update your Mac App Store application from the command line.

Mas is also supported by homebrew-bundle which allows you to dump your entire Homebrew apps, cask apps, and mas apps which make taking a quick snapshot of which apps and utilities that you have installed so you can easily restore it.

Thanks to Heather Luna :fire: for advice on and corrections to a draft of this article. She’s amazing.

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